Creating a Roadmap of Possibilities for 2020

Have you ever wanted to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and maybe even have a roadmap for getting there?
I developed a technique for doing just that. It’s called Possibility Principles.
The first three of the seven Possibility Principles are:
1. Courage to Create
You don’t have to live everyone else’s version of your life, you can create a life you’d love to live
2. Breakdown to Breakthrough
You can have gratitude for and reshape even the difficult things in your life
3. The Fixer Upper
You don’t have to fix everyone.
Let’s explore Possibility Principle #1 – Courage To Create
You don’t have to live everyone else’s version of your life, you can create a life you’d love to live.
Does this sound familiar to you? Did your parents or guardian, friends, family, teachers, etc want you to do any of these things?
- Pick
a certain profession
- Go to a certain school
- Play a particular sport or activity
- Marry a specific type of person – race or profession or financial status
- Have children at a certain age
- Have a certain number of children
- And on and on and on
If you are like most people, you probably have experienced that. So, you are not alone Most people have had others tell them what to do and how to live their lives.
You probably, at least for some of them, believed that they must know what is best for you and what you should be doing because you respected them or believed that they had your best interest at hear. So most likely you did what they said to try to please them.
Often doing what they told you and trying to please them may have left you feeling unhappy and unfulfilled, like you can never measure up to what they say your life should be.
There’s a reason for that: because that isn’t YOUR life, it’s their version of your life, not your version.
So you have to ask yourself is what they are saying really going to work for you?
Will it make you happy?
Is it truly what you desire?
It’s time to choose the life you desire to live.
Would you like to explore my Possibility Principles further?
My new book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities is out.
It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it as you journey through the year of Possibilities. The Possibility Principles will assist you to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and then to create a roadmap for getting there.
For a limited time the Kindle version is available for 99 cents on Amazon. Get yours today