Sometimes The GPS Is Wrong

Sometimes the GPS is actually wrong!

I know that was a surprise to me, and yet it has happened several times recently that the GPS took me somewhere other than where I requested.

The most recent was Friday. I was going to a fundraiser breakfast. It was at a church in Orlando. I put the address into the GPS on my phone and took off for Orlando.

As I am following the directions, the GPS is showing that I am very close to my destination. I keep looking around, and I just don’t see a church anywhere.

I get to the top of a bridge over a body of water and the GPS announced that I had reached my destination. “OBVIOUSLY NOT,” I said.

So, driving around near that spot, I finally found a sign pointing to the entrance for the church and got to the event with a few minutes to spare, and somewhat aggravated with the GPS!

So, next time, I decided, I need to review the route before I drive. Now, I have known that I should do that and yet I didn’t do it this time because it was easier just to follow the GPS. Well, it’s time to trust me because “Sometimes The GPS Is Wrong”!

How often does this show up in your life? You trust external sources and other people more than you trust you.

I get it. It’s easier just to follow them than to go within and ask yourself. You can stay on autopilot and not have to think.

However, you’re forgetting that the knowing is within you. Yes, you can consult others and yet you must still ask yourself “Is this right for me?”

When I work with people, I use my Possibility Principles system. Possibility Principle #1 is Courage to Create. It’s realizing that you don’t have to live other people’s version of your life, you can create a life you’d love to live.

So yes, ask advice, pray, meditate, all of that. Then ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is what they are saying really going to work for you?
  • Will it make you happy?
  • Is it truly what you desire?
  • What other choices and possibilities exist here?

Then listen for the whispers of possibility. Listen to your inner knowing. Choose what is a contribution to you!

You know!

Trust you!


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