Dare To Be Happy

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” – Thomas Jefferson
What is it that you truly want? Do you know? Are you sure that’s what you really want?
So often you THINK you know what you want, and yet, once you get that thing, you aren’t really happy with it because it doesn’t really satisfy you as much as you believed it would. That’s called miswanting. Two researchers, Tim Wilson at the University of Virginia, and Dan Gilbert at Harvard coined the term miswanting which is the act of being mistaken about what and how much you’re going to like these things in the future.
What they discovered was that it usually isn’t THINGS that make you happy, it is experiences and relationships.
So ask yourself, what really makes you happy? What or who makes you smile or laugh?
Then, how do you actually go about getting more of THAT? What would you have to do, who would you have to be to have more of that in your life? Are you willing to be and do that to get what you desire?
What are you willing to do? What are you not willing to do?
What are you willing to be? What are you not willing to be?
When you think about that, what comes up for you?
Here are a few things people experience concerning happiness and unhappiness.
- Sometimes people are afraid to be TOO happy for fear that it will be taken away from them and they will be unhappy again. They live in fear of being unhappy again and often just choose to remain unhappy rather than experiencing happiness and then
loss of happiness.
- Others believe that having that happiness is selfish. It’s too selfish for them to be happy when others are unhappy. They believe they can’t have more happiness than others or that having happiness would make unhappy people even more unhappy, so they remain with the unhappy people to make everyone feel better — confusing, right?
Still others tend to stay with unhappiness because it is familiar ground. They don’t have to stretch or shift their reality. They can stay unhappy and remain in their predictable, familiar lives. Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.
Is any of that familiar to you? Is that what you do or want for your life?
If you would rather step into happiness, then DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!
You see, happiness really is a choice that you make. You can choose to remain unhappy and stay in that familiar territory, OR you can choose to break free and break out and choose what makes you happy!
Start asking questions:
- What makes me happy?
- What makes me smile?
- What could I choose that would bring me more happiness?
- What choices do I have that I haven’t considered?
- Who could I talk to that would bring me more happiness?
- What can I do right now that would bring me joy?
And then start making the choices that shift your life into that space of happiness.
It’s OK to be happy. Really it is.
You are allowed to be happy, no matter what anyone else says or has or does. You are allowed to be happy!
Choose your happiness.
Are you ready to break free of your limitations and blastoff into happiness and
If you’d like to have a quick Discovery Call to set yourself free and launch into your best future, click here.
[…] week my blog is “Dare To Be Happy” (https://iampurpledawn.com/2019/10/13/dare-to-be-happy/) Are you willing to BE happy? Will you actually choose happiness or is mediocrity and […]