Just Ask A Question

Do you believe that you live in a “no-choice” universe?
A what?
A no-choice universe is one in which you believe that you have no or very few choices and possibilities available to you. You believe that there is nothing left for you to choose that would change your current situation. You are trapped where you are! You are stuck!
You have forgotten that you actually live in a Universe that has a vast array of choices and possibilities available to you!
“Oh yeah, how do I get them?” you may ask.
That’s the key! Yes, you just used the key!!
You asked a question!!
Questions are amazing and powerful things!
Questions open the doors to possibilities. Questions tell the Universe that you are open to more choices, more possibilities, more change!
Questions are the invitation! When you ask a question, you invite possibilities to show up!
When you ask for something, the universe goes, “Oh, you want that? OK cool.” Then it does everything it can to rearrange things to get that for you.
Isn’t that what you would like to show up in your life? More of what you desire?
When faced with decisions, problems, challenges, and new situations ask yourself questions such as
- What is this?
- What do I do with it?
- Can I change it?
- How do I change it?
- What is really possible here?
- What choices do I have here?
- What else is possible? ®
- What am I overlooking that could change this situation?
- How does it get any better than this? ®
- If I choose this, will it expand my life?
Once you’ve asked the question, LISTEN for the Universe to tell you other possibilities that exist beyond what you have always chosen in the past. Be open to the infinite possibilities the Universe offers you in every second of your existence! Allow yourself to be free to choose for you!!
Questions are very powerful tools that can literally set you free of all your limitations and allow you to blast off in to a life of ease, joy and glory.
When you are aware that the question can change the energy of any situation, you can begin to see that it is always a question that has opened up a different door, a different possibility for you.
If you are willing to continually ask questions, you open the doors to how all of life can come to you with ease, joy and glory.
Then things start to show up in magical ways.
The more you ask questions, the more aware you become of the smorgasbord of possibilities you have.
Are you ready for an unreal, fantastic you?
Are you ready to create an unbelievable, phenomenal world?
If you are, then you may want to consider opening up to what the Universe is offering you. Free yourself from your self-imposed limitations and enjoy the possibilities!!
Ask a question!! Open the door to possibilities!
(questions with ® are from Access Consciousness)
Would you like more tools? Check out my eBook “5 Powerful Questions To Change Your Life”. Click here to get it.