Get Bitter Or Get Better

“The butterfly does not look back at the caterpillar in shame, just as you should not look back at your past in shame. Your past was part of your own transformation.” — Anthony Gucciardi
How much do you blame yourself for what has happened in your past?
What anger are you carrying concerning what you have gone through?
Would you be willing to look at it a different way?
You see, you cannot change the past, it was what it was. However, you can change how you deal with it now. You can anchor yourself in your past and keep lamenting over it, OR you can reframe your thinking and allow it to transform you.
What does reframing mean? It means that you can change your thinking about your past to recognize that what you went through may not have been what you wanted or the way that you wanted it, but on some level it was what you needed to get where you are meant and need to go and be.
Everyone has people in their past or present that have hurt them whether intentionally or not. Reframing allows you to forgive yourself for the way things happened. So often you don’t want to forgive or be grateful for the lessons of the past because you think that that means that all of it was OK and that everyone was right in doing what they did.
That is not really what reframing means. Reframing means that you are grateful for the lessons and for what they taught you. Reframing means that you stop blaming yourself for them, stop making yourself wrong for requiring the lesson or taking part in the experience.
Josh Shipp said, “You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.”
Every experience shaped you into who you are now. Those experiences showed you how strong you are,
Another quote (attributed to MANY people) is “Resentment/holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” The only person you are poisoning is you.
Releasing the anger and resentment over your past can truly move you forward and allow you to stop poisoning yourself. It can help you realize that you can have gratitude for the parts of those difficult experiences that moved you forward, for what came into your life as a result – as well as the things that left your life as a result. You can discover that letting go of the people and situations and upset over the past that
When you are authentically able to release your past, it leaves you with giant open space in your life to create your new future – a future that isn’t built on the past, a future that is something new and different and supports YOU!
Would you like to make YOU a priority in your life? Join Dawn’s online event:
Reboot Your Boundaries and Your Relationships
and learn to set healthy boundaries, reset your relationships and reclaim your life.
It’s time for a reboot so you can stop living for everyone else and start creating a life that serves YOU, YOUR DESIRES AND YOUR NEEDS!