What Must You Defend?

My blog this week (https://iampurpledawn.com/2019/01/13/whats-your-excuse/) is about excuses. An excuse is a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.
How often do you make excuses for what you do or don’t do? And how often do you believe that you must have an excuse to defend for or against the choice you made or didn’t make?
What if you could just choose what works for you without making excuses for your choice?
What could you create if you weren’t using that excuse?
How many excuses are you using to avoid the choices you could be choosing? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
What are you defending for or against that if you stopped defending for or against it would give you total choice? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Using “I” instead of “YOU”
How many excuses am I using to avoid the choices I could be choosing? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
What am I defending for or against that if I stopped defending for or against it would give me total choice? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys