What’s Your Excuse?

Excuse: a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.

How often do you make excuses for what you do or don’t do?

Are they real and true? Or do you use them to avoid that which you would prefer to NOT do?

Or is it that you feel you must justify, defend, rationalize or even apologize for your choices?

That takes a lot of energy and a lot of time and a lot of judgment of you!

Is that truly how you would like to live your life?

What if you could stop making excuses and simply choose whether you would like to do something or not do it, without feeling the need to justify your choice?

Ask yourself: “If I wasn’t making this excuse, what could I be and do? What would I choose? What could I create?”

You see, you don’t have to justify and convince yourself or anyone else whether your choice is the right choice or the best choice. It simply is the choice you are making right now.

And the cool thing about choices, is that you don’t really have to force them to work or keep them forever. If they are not working for you, then choose something different. Again, no justification needed – you simply make a new choice.

People spend so much time trying to make everyone believe that the choices they made or are making are right and will work and are the best choice, rather than simply living their lives and making choices that actually make them happy and make their lives worth living.

Make the choices that create the life you would like to live.

Any excuses now?

It’s a new year! Are you ready to reclaim control of your life? Join Dawn’s live event: Reboot Your Boundaries and Your Relationships: Step By Step Recovery System For Perpetual People Pleasers, Relationship Rescuers, and Family Fixers

Finally, a One-Day Workshop designed specifically for those who over-give, are stressed-out, and have trouble with relationship boundaries and family. It’s time for a reboot so you can  stop living for everyone else and start creating a life that serves