Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys”?
It sounds comical and yet it has a very deep meaning and impact.
Basically what it means is that whatever is going on at the moment isn’t your problem. It isn’t yours and you don’t have to fix it or take responsibility for it.
So often in life people believe that they have to take responsibility for everything and to FIX things for others.
Are you one of those people?
Are you a Perpetual People Pleaser, a Family Fixer, a Relationship Rescuer?
Are you always trying to take over someone else’s circus and change it? How is that working for you?
Are you actually able to make changes or do you create more havoc and resentment through your efforts?
What can you do to change it?
Ask questions
Asking questions is always a good step. It lets the universe/Source/God know that you are open to different options, so those possibilities start showing up.
Some good questions to ask include:
- Is this actually mine?
- Can I change or fix it?
- Can I contribute to the person this actually belongs to?
- Does that person want my contribution?
And see what shows up.
Giving up other people’s circuses and their monkeys (their mess and problems) can be very freeing. It can give you more space and more of you. Once you realize that so much of what you are attempting to do actually has nothing to do with you in the first place, you can actually find those things that are yours to do.
Bye, Bye monkeys.
Ready to reclaim your life? Join Dawn’s live event: Reboot Your Boundaries and Your Relationships: Step By Step Recovery System For Perpetual People Pleasers, Relationship Rescuers, and Family Fixers
Finally, a One-Day Workshop designed specifically for those who over-give, are stressed-out, and have trouble with relationship boundaries and family. It’s time for a reboot so you can stop living for everyone else and start creating a life that serves
[…] week’s clearings go along with my blog Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys. The blog concerns where you are trying to take things on or people and fix it for them (their […]