You have probably heard of FOMO; you may have heard of JOMO, but have you heard of ROMO?
Many people have heard of FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out. That’s when you feel that you MUST do something like take a class, go to an event, etc or else you’ll miss something huge! After all, EVERYONE is doing this thing so you MUST or the world might end or something, right? Probably not. Statistically, the world doesn’t end very often and chances are you NOT going won’t bring about the end of the world.
Then there is JOMO – the Joy Of Missing Out. This happens when you realize that you don’t actually HAVE to do all of the things that you might previously have had FOMO about! It can be so freeing to release the belief that you MUST DO everything that everyone else tells you that you must do.
You can let go of their judgments and their version of your life and actually start living YOUR version of your life.
What would you actually like to do? What makes you happy? It sometimes takes some getting used to because so often you have been taught to care for others first and then, if there’s time you can take care of you. But caring for you is a must. After all, t and here’s a reason that they say you must put your oxygen mask on first because if you don’t you won’t be around to do ANYTHING else!
Take care of you.
Now ROMO is the Regret Of Missing Out. I made this one up, or at least I think that I did. I came up with it as I was looking at Facebook posts from my class reunion. Now first for this reunion I had FOMO, I wanted to go and meet everyone and see what they were all up to. However, circumstances were looking like it was going to be very difficult for me to do so ultimately I chose to stay home.
This gave me a sense of JOMO at first because the pressure to juggle everything that was going on at the time was getting to be very stressful for me, so when I finally chose to NOT go I was so relieved.
Then I started seeing the Facebook posts leading up to the event telling everyone about pre and post activities and who all was coming and so forth and I started thinking maybe I should look at that schedule again and see if I could work it out.
After the event, I was looking at all of the pictures and reading all the stories and the ROMO started setting in. Why didn’t I go? I could have had fun!
So, what’s my point?
As the ROMO set in, I sat down and had a talk with myself (YES, I do this often!!).
How much juggling and stress would I have had to do in order to attend the reunion? How much extra money would last-minute tickets and car rental have cost me?
And ultimately I realized that my choice to not go was a good one.
So my recommendation when you get ROMO and even FOMO or JOMO is to have that chat with yourself. Ask yourself more questions, because, as I have been told, I and the Queen of Questions:
- What will doing the thing in question actually create in your life?
- Is it something that will be fun and fulfilling?
- Will it expand your life or contract it?
- What is the result of NOT doing it?
- If you were truly living and choosing for YOU, what would YOU truly like to do?
It’s YOUR life, put YOUR oxygen mask on FIRST!
Looking for more ways to start being the true you? Check out my eBook “Questions to Change Your Life“ to help you explore what possibilities you actually have in your life.