Life Is Not One Size Fits All
Have you ever had people tell you that you should be on this diet or take those supplements or use that product?
And when you did, it didn’t work the same for you that it did for them?
Often people tell you that you should try the latest fad diet or exercise program or supplements and they just don’t seem to create the same in your body.
Guess what! That doesn’t make you wrong. And it doesn’t make the supplement, fad or program wrong.
It simply means that life is not a one-size-fits-all proposition.
Just because something is good for your friend, doesn’t mean it is good for you.
Yes, it’s easy to follow the fad and be doing what everyone else is doing, but is it creating what you would like in your body and your life?
I have tried fads and crazes too. One supplement was OK when I first started, but after a few weeks I started breaking out in hives. Then I started having pain. Finally I went to my naturopath and discovered that it was cumulative effects of the supplement.
So I had to quit that one and get it flushed out of my system.
I have asked my body questions concerning all supplements ever since.
So what are you supposed to do when faced with choices concerning things people tell you that you should try?
Ask questions.
Yes, ask questions like:
What will this create in my body?
Is this right for my body?
Will it benefit me and my body?
What other choices do I have?
And listen to your body! Listen to the energy of what those questions create.
Your body knows what it requires. You just have to ask it.
You have to pay attention to your body.
You and your dear, sweet body are in this together!
Ask more questions!
Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here.