Finding Your Superpowers

So many TV shows and movies are about people obtaining superpowers so they can be “better”, stronger, faster, more powerful.
Do you really require that type of power to improve yourself and your life? Do you actually have to be able to fly or smash buildings in order to create something greater?
What if you would let go of the limitations you have put on yourself and started doing more of what you love? THAT would be an incredible SUPERPOWER!!!
What if your true superpower is being the brilliance of you – being all that you are capable of being, showing how much you care, creating amazing things in your life and in the world? Even without a costume or cape!!!
Now THAT would be SUPER!!
If you truly allowed yourself to have access to the superpowers you’ve always known that you should have what would you choose? Would you live your life as though it had no possibilities or would you live it from the greatness that you know is possible?
Would you give yourself permission to live that NOW?
You don’t have to wait for a fortress of solitude to show up or someone to give you a magic wand or a stone of power, you already have amazing capabilities and capacities that are just waiting for you to tap into them.
Start asking what capacities you have that you have not utilized or even acknowledged. Those are what will create far more in your life than you ever thought possible!
Ask yourself “If I were to truly function from the capacity and the awareness and the brilliance I really have and am, what would I choose starting today, in fact starting right now?”
Then follow the whispers of what shows up!
It’s time to start making new choices so you can create something new in your life!
And if you want to add a super cape, go for it!
Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here.