You Have A Healing Capacity

Would you like to heal others? My blog this week is about techniques to heal others. Read it here. Sometimes...

3 Techniques to Heal Others

As a little girl, I wanted to be two things: the first woman to walk on the moon or someone...

Addicted To Your Problems

Are you addicted to your problems? Gary Douglas said “You’re going to have to choose to give up your problem...

Release Yourself From JAIL

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, said, “You’re going to have to choose to give up your problem if you...

Stop Waiting For Happiness

My blog this week is about how you often put your life and your happiness on hold while you wait...

Waiting Room Of Your Life

Are you putting your life on hold while you wait for certain events to transpire? Do you postpone your happiness,...

Putting Yourself In JAIL

My blog this week is about how you often make yourself wrong. Read it here One technique we use to...

What If You Weren’t Wrong

“I screwed up again!! Why am I always doing it wrong?” Does that sound like you? Do you believe that...