Believing In Your Magic

My blog this week is about creating magic in your world and also about not buying into other people’s beliefs...

Steps To Creating Magic

When you walk outside, do all the birds come to sit on your shoulders and sing and help you with...

Sentenced To Life On Planet Earth

It’s Earth Week. It’s the time of year that we think about caring for the Earth. My question has always...

Communing With Earth on Earth Day

Did you see Dain Heer’s Tour of Consciousness for Earth Day, “420 Meters Below”? In it he talks about allowing...

Bring On The Drama

Do you secretly love trauma and drama? DO you love creating the telenovela (Mexican romance series) of your life? Back...

Partly Cloudy With Chance of Change

I like to take pictures of sunrises and sunsets. (In fact I took the picture above) I just love the...

Love Your Mother Earth Call, April 20

Global Mother Earth Blessing and Healing Date: April 20 Time: 3 PM Eastern Time (click here for your time) Location:...

Stop Clinging To Your Limitations

This week my blog concerns Energetic Spring Cleaning. It’s about clearing out the piles of stuff that you energetically accumulate...

3-Step Energetic Spring Cleaning

Do you sometimes feel cluttered and hazy and overwhelmed? Is it as if there is just too much stuff in...

It Can’t Be That Easy

Dain Heer did a great Tour of Consciousness recently titled “It Can’t Be That Easy”. It concerned the fixed points...