Being One With Nature

Are you willing to be open to the Earth and all of her magic and wonder? What if you allowed yourself to have gratitude and communion with the Earth and all of nature?

Being in touch with nature and the Earth is an amazing and nurturing experience and is so vital to your well-being.

Studies have shown that being in nature, whether walking, riding a bike or just sitting, can reduce your stress hormone levels, decrease depression, decrease negative thoughts, and energize you or even relax you so you can take a nap.

In fact a recent study published in the New York Times blog showed that walking in nature changes the blood flow in the brain to improve moods.

Being out in nature can be so enjoyable. Watching the animals and birds play, admiring the trees and flowers, watching the clouds roll by; all of those take you out of the adrenaline-pumping lifestyle and into the calm, peaceful flow of energy that your body craves for rejuvenation.

Are you ready to join with nature? Here’s a short exercise you can do. You can even record it for yourself so you can guide you through it and just relax.


Close your eyes.

Get the sense of the energy that you are. You are not confined by your body, you can expand beyond it.

Expand your energy in all directions – up, down, on all sides. Just ask your energy to expand.

Reach down into the Earth. Thank her for all that she does for us — for providing food, air, water and so much more. Feel her might and her glory.

Expand out to a tree. Allow your energy to gently caress the tree. Feel its strength as well as its gentleness. Flow with its branches. Thank it for its majesty.

Expand out to a butterfly or other insect. Gently touch it. Feel its beauty and, even as small and delicate as it is, feel its might. It can withstand jumps and falls that would cripple or kill you, and yet it would simply dust itself off and keep going. Thank it for all it does for us.

Continue touching and merging with as many plants and animals as you would like. Maybe even allow your energy to fly or run or swim with them for a while, basking in that amazing energy. And always thanking them for their contribution.

When you’re ready, bring your energy back in with love and gratitude. Remember to contribute to and care for all of them always.


Spending time in and with nature is truly a gift that you can give your body and yourself.

Give yourself that gift as often as you can. You and your body are worth it!


For more relaxation, check out my meditations on YouTube:

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