You’ve probably heard of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

You may even have heard of JOMO – the Joy Of Missing Out.

Maybe even ROMO — the Regret Of Missing Out.

But have you heard of FOBO? FOBO is the Fear of Better Options!

Have you ever been lost in debating what to do and what to choose, perhaps even to the point that you have what’s called “analysis paralysis”? This can be an indication of FOBO.

I know I have had FOBO. For me, it sometimes happens when I am presented with something that I really am not thrilled to do and am actually hoping that something better will come along!

What if I choose the lesser thing and then something better really DOES present itself?

Yes, I could cancel at the last minute, but that often doesn’t go well with friends and family.

OR I can wait until the last minute to commit to something … again, not always popular with family and friends.

And even LESS popular is being honest with others and saying that you are hoping to do XYZ so you aren’t sure if you can do what they are offering.

Oh, what to do, what to do, what to do?

So, if you invite me to something and I don’t jump at the chance, just forget that you ever read any of this!!!!

I’m a good friend! Really I am!!!

I don’t suffer from FOBO!! OK, maybe just a little!

Every now and then.



For a little relaxation, check out my meditations on YouTube:

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