Cosmic Vacuum Cleaner

In March of 2021, I did a program called Purple Launch Party: Energetic Spring Cleaning Edition.

I covered ways to energetically cleanse your space, clearing out what isn’t working in your life to make room for more and better things to show up.

One technique I covered was the Cosmic Vacuum Cleaner pictured above (OK, with a few modifications).

You can use it to clean out all that old stuff from your life that is icky, sticky, and yucky; all those barriers and clutter.

So how do you use it?

Imagine yourself with a vacuum cleaner. Any style or color that you like.

Then envision all that stuff that is hanging around and making you believe that you MUST leave it in your world. Maybe picture it as the red scarf in the image.

Now, aim the vacuum at the stuff you’d like to remove and let the vacuum start sucking it up.

Don’t worry, all that gunk won’t stay in the vacuum until it explodes.

Instead, see it leaving the back of the vacuum transmuted into sparkles and swirls of positive energy that go back out into the universe to be reused! Just like on the right side of the picture.

You can use this tool any time you need to remove stuff that is hanging around and give yourself more space and ease.

Vacuum away!!