Release the Past and Forgive Yourself

Last week my doctor gave me an affirmation: “I release the past and forgive myself.”

So I sent out the blog I had written, “What Makes Forgiving Yourself Hard

And as I reread that blog today, I realized something else that makes forgiving yourself hard. That is the feeling that if you release the situation and forgive yourself and others, that you are saying everything is OK. And, if you’re still holding onto the situation, then you have not forgiven everyone and chances are that it is because you still expect an apology!

Well, if no one else has apologized so far, most likely they won’t. However, there IS someone who can.


Yes, you can apologize to yourself for the situation, for having carried yourself as unforgiven all this time, for everything else involved. In fact, I am giving you the link to my forgiveness meditation that you can use for this process. Click here or below to watch and listen.

Now is the time to set yourself free!