Are You Hiding Your Desires?

What are you still hiding?
Are you ready to give that up and The Big 5 that is there to keep that going for you?
How much of the Big 5 are you using to hide your Light? Everything that is and all the Big 5 creating it and keeping it in place, will you destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADS, and Beyonds™.
How much of the Big 5 are you using to hide what you would really like to create in the world? Everything that is, will you destroy, and uncreate all that times a godzillion? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADS, and Beyonds™.
Using “I” instead of “YOU”
How much of the Big 5 am I using to hide my Light? Everything that is and all the Big 5 creating it and keeping it in place, I destroy and uncreate it all, times a godzillion. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADS, and Beyonds™.
How much of the Big 5 am I using to hide what I would really like to create in the world? Everything that is, I destroy and uncreate all that times a godzillion. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys, POVADS, and Beyonds™.