If You Weren’t Telling That Story

“Who would you be without your story?” was the name of a program that I did several years ago.
It was about the stories that you tell, obviously from the title, right?
Are you even aware that you are telling stories? Do you realize what those stories are creating ….. or destroying?
WHAT?? How could stories destroy?
Different types of stories do different things. There are stories that you tell to entertain or to explain or to illustrate a point. These are ones like what you did on vacation or the time you fell out of a tree or the time you got on the wrong bus and toured all of the city trying to get home.
Then there are the ones that are excuses. These are the ones you tell about why you can’t do something or can’t change something or have to keep doing something. They are justifications that you use to create, explain and defend the limitations you have made and continue to make. They are creating and holding those limitations in place. Those are the stories that make all those limiting and limited choices right and unchangeable.
It’s About Being Right
You frequently use stories to justify and validate the choices that you made. You want to make those choices right. If you get something right then everything in your life will work – or so you believe.
Stories validate the choices you made and are continuing to make as well as all of the upsets and problems you have that are the subject of those stories. They are all about the validation, justification, and rightness of your point of view.
It doesn’t matter if the story is true, what matters to you is that it explains, justifies, and supports the choices that you made and continue making and makes those choices right somehow in your mind.
So whether the story says that you can’t do or that you must do or that you must continue doing something, you have to ask is that actually true or is it just a story that you are using to avoid making changes in your life.
You stay in your story because you don’t want to change your choices. You want to prove that those choices were right and were not mistakes. Thus, you must make those choices work, and you create stories to support you in that!
What are you refusing to acknowledge by staying in your story?
What are you refusing to change?
What are you trying to force to be right?
If You Weren’t Telling That Story
If you weren’t telling those stories, what could you do differently in your life?
What could you choose? What could you change if you didn’t have to force that story to be true?
Let me ask you this; are you tired of hearing your story, tired of being stuck in your story, tired of telling your story?
Then, the next time you tell it, when you get to the end say “WOW, that was fun!” or “WOW, that was really SILLY !” and usually you will stop telling it so much. Often it is because you are boring yourself with it or you are limiting yourself so much that you forgot you could let it go. So say “I was boring myself to death. You know what? That story sucks! What am I doing?”
And set yourself free.
Then you can start asking yourself more questions like: “What choices do I have here?” and “What can I do differently now?” to allow yourself to have more choices and possibilities
What can you create now that you are not stuck in that story any longer?
Whoo Hoo! It’s time to create something new!!
5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life
Want to know more about questions and how to ask more effective questions? Check out my eBook, “5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life” for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!