Five Ways To Make Each Day Count

Do you make each day of your life count? Or do you just try to get the day over with?
Contemplate these quotes:
In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln
Don’t count the days, make the days count. – Muhammad Ali
And now, here are some suggestions for making each day count:
Take a Moment to Appreciate Those Around You
Appreciate your friends, family, neighbors, people at the stores, people at restaurants, all the people you associate with each day.
Pay attention to who and what they are and do. And tell them that you appreciate what they bring to your life. Give thanks to them for all the good they bring into your life as well as the challenges and lessons. Tell them how much you appreciate the support they give you, how it’s great to be connected and loved, how proud you are of them for making a difference in your life and in the lives of others – or whatever it is. Give thanks to the people who perform duties that keep us safe and make our lives easier; to the volunteers and countless people who give of themselves with no expectation of recognition or thanks. You can even extend it to your pets, thanking them for the lessons of unconditional love that only an animal can give.
Record Your Gratitude:
Keep a Gratitude Journal and record what you are grateful for each day. That way you can always look back on the things you were grateful for each day and build upon it. It helps reinforce how many amazing things you have in your life.
Give Yourself a Little Love:
Make sure to love and appreciate YOU too. Stop judging yourself and instead give thanks for you, your capabilities and capacities, your accomplishments, and how far you have come.
Give thanks for your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly. All of it has worked together to make you who you are and bring you to this point.
You are beautiful. You are amazing.
Make You and Your Self-Care a Priority:
Yes, take care of YOU. Treat yourself as the most important thing in your life! After all, where would you be without you?
How do you do that? You make a plan.
- You make yourself and your self-care a priority.
- You set up breaks for yourself daily – PUT THEM ON YOUR SCHEDULE and stick to it!
- You do things that make you happy and help you relax.
- Realize that you don’t have to take hours to do the activity. Maybe start with 15 or 30 minutes each day and work your way up.
- And know that if you are like me and doing the same thing every day is boring to the point that you stop doing your self-care, then mix it up. Do something different to keep you motivated and interested! That’s what I do!
Start Your Day With A Question or Two:
Start each day with these sayings from Access Consciousness©:
- Who am I and what grand and glorious adventures am I going to have today?
- What can I be, do, have, or create today, that would generate a new reality for me right now?
Sometimes we think we can’t change what is going on, that what we do makes no difference. When and if that happens, remember, the one thing you can always change is you.
You can change your part of the world, your slice of reality. Are you willing to change it for the better? These suggestions are a great place to start!
Thank you for being part of my world!
Come explore your gifts!
Join me for the Purple Launch Party Birthday 2021 Edition on November 11 from 5 to 7.
We will be celebrating the 11-11 Gateway that is an awakening for you when it comes to your wishes, dreams, goals, and love.
Plus exploring the completion and culmination of wisdom and experience, endings and new beginnings of 9 that is the 11-11-2021 date.
And we will be celebrating my birthday which is actually November 3rd, however, my birth number is 11 which is a power number and I love to celebrate it on 11-11.
In honor of my birthday, we will explore YOUR gifts that you have. The ones you know and enjoy, as well as the ones you may not think about or know about in addition to the ones you hide, ignore, and avoid.
It will be fun and free and I would love to have you join me!