Are You Paying Attention?

They say people have the attention span of a goldfish or less these days. That they are only paying attention to anything as long a goldfish does or perhaps even less. Huh?
Well, I don’t really know how long a goldfish can pay attention because I never asked one. Plus I am not certain that I’ve ever had a goldfish talk to me either. Maybe that’s because they have too short of an attention span to bother trying to get me to listen.
Who knows!
So why am I saying all of this?
Let me ask you, are you paying attention to what’s going on? Between the social unrest and the political events and the virus, are you paying attention? Or are you like many people who just want it to be over so you decided that it IS over?
Have you stopped paying any attention to it and are now pretending that it’s all gone? I get it. There are some mornings I just want to pull the covers over my head and not face the day.
Does that really help?
Maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t.
It may allow you to stop being stressed about it, but does it make it go away? Does it heal it? Does it cure it? Does it release anyone else?
I don’t really know the answer to those questions.
I don’t believe that it does cure it entirely, perhaps not at all.
So ask yourself: “if I stop paying attention to this; if I stop listening; does it help to make this go away; to make this be healed, to change this right now? Is it a contribution for me to believe that it’s gone or treat it as if it is over? Does it help it to go away?”
Ask yourself those questions and see what comes back to you.
Yes sometimes if you stop a behavior it does help it to go away. Other times nobody else stops except you, so the situation continues for everyone else. Does that actually contribute to anybody else being able to let it go?
Give it some thought. Give it some questions. Give it LOTS of questions and see what comes up for you.
Thanks for listening to me – for paying attention!
Talk to you next week!
Want to know more about questions and how to ask more effective questions?
Check out my eBook, “5 Powerful Questions to Change Your Life“ for even more concerning the power of asking questions!!