Is It Weird Enough For You?

A friend posted recently on Facebook “Is it weird enough for you?”
And I thought, “Is it weird enough for me? Is anything too weird for me? Do I require weirdness?”
Yes, things are strange right now with the quarantine and everything else that is going on in my life.
But do I require weirdness?
At breakfast this morning, my mother said, “Things are so boring.”
So I asked her, “Do you really want it to be exciting?”
We both realized that excitement is a good thing, however too much upsetting excitement isn’t necessarily good. No more hospital visits, please. Enough with things breaking and leaking at our house. That type of excitement is not really needed right now.
Let’s find our excitement elsewhere like in walks, movies, books, TV, being with friends and relatives.
Back to the original question, “Is it weird enough for you?”
Like “excitement”, I like a certain amount of weirdness too. Actually, I enjoy what some people refer to as weird.
I like enough weirdness in programs and movies that I watch to make me think and wonder and desire to explore. I get bored if it is too common and thoughtless and predictable. So maybe I DO require weirdness. In fact, I will go so far as to say “Yes, I require weirdness in my life.”
And yet there is probably a limit to what I require. I have never actually pondered it.
I realize that I am not really what other people consider “normal”, if there actually is such a thing as normal.
Someone said to me last week, “I don’t want to sound too weird here but ….”
I assured her that she would really have to stretch to be too weird for me to reject what she was saying!
So again getting back to the original question, “Is it weird enough for you?”
How much weirdness or excitement is really necessary to make me happy?
How do you actually measure that?
I guess that’s a good activity to keep me occupied for a while … measuring weirdness.
Oh boy, where shall I start??!?
For a guided journey through My Possibility Principles, get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it.
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