Make Peace With What Might Have Been

“Make Peace With Your Unlived Life”
That was the name of an article I was reading online from Pocket. It talked a lot about shadow self and all sorts of things, but it did spark something in me.
Do you spend a lot of time lamenting over what might have been? Over choices you made that you think were wrong or ones that you didn’t choose?
Are you making yourself wrong for that? How much judgment are you inflicting upon yourself for what you consider to be places you screwed up by making a “bad” choice or missing an opportunity?
Does clinging to your past help? Is it vitally important to you to keep your past alive and relive it and lament over it and praise it and curse it and …. and use it to prevent you from moving forward?
Stop wasting all that energy dragging your past around.
Stop demanding that your past have acceptable reasons for having been what it was! Will it ever have a good enough reason for you? And if it does, will that make it better? Will it prevent you from ever doing anything like it again??
It provides excuses. You can bury yourself in all those excuses and it still won’t create much of anything other than more baggage!
Blaming your present on your past, demanding to know “why” everything happened the way it did, regretting, fuming, fussing and all those other “ing” words, over your past choices does not change what occurred. It does not create anything new other than frustration, anxiety, anger, pain and sorrow.
Is that truly all you want from life?
What if you could be grateful for what your past taught you, for what it revealed to you, for bringing you to TODAY.
AND then say, “And now I would like to create ____________ in my life.”
Fill in that blank with what you truly desire to create from here forward.
AND start moving forward again without all that baggage from your past!
For more on gratitude and the power it can have in your life, please join my Facebook group “Gratitude For Life” and check out my message on YouTube “The Power of AND”
[…] blog this week (see it here) is about all the times that you demand your past to justify itself and explain WHY something […]