One Powerful Step To Create More Gratitude

Are you grateful for having you in your life?

If you are like most people you are always looking for gratitude and happiness outside yourself “IN” somebody else rather than in yourself.

The first step to having more gratitude in your life is to have gratitude for you. When you don’t have it for you, you can’t have it for others.

Are you being grateful for your life itself?

Be grateful for the things you’re able to accomplish in life, be grateful for the things you’re able to perceive in life, and the things you are able to do in life.

Let go of the judgment of your and of all those “SHOULDS” – what you SHOULD do or shouldn’t do, should be or shouldn’t be, should have done or shouldn’t have done … and so on and so on.

Let go of the regrets and laments.

Be grateful for the NOW and choose to make changes to get to where you’d like to be. Start taking small steps in that new direction and have gratitude for the successes and even for the so-called failures. Those failures show you what doesn’t work so you can make a different choice and move on.

Gratitude is an amazing force in life; use it. It’s like your superpower. It draws in more of what you’d like to have and makes you a magnet for your dreams and desires!

So, start having more gratitude for yourself and change your life!

Keep Calm


Have More Gratitude

For You!


Join me on the Spring Equinox 3/20/21

For the Purple Launch Party Energetic Spring Cleaning Edition

There is a Universe of possibilities just WAITING for you!

The Purple Launch Party Energetic Spring Cleaning  Edition (celebrating the beginning of Spring)  will be March 20 from 10 AM to 12 PM
(click here for your local time)

It’s time to discover, explore, and attain what you desire for your life!

Are you ready to create more happiness, joy, and possibilities in your life?

Let the possibilities begin!  Register here