Turn It Up

A couple of years ago Dr. Dain Heer, co-founder of Access Consciousness, wrote this in the Access Newsletter:
Do you ever get bored I used to get bored all the time. With everything. And everyone. And I still do — even in the midst of this amazing adventure of consciousness that I am lucky enough to live. What I realized is that when we get bored with something, it means that it is not big enough for us anymore. Ask: "What do I need to add and change to make this big enough for me?" . . . curiosity, challenge and dissatisfaction is actually our fuel. When we reach a new plateau of what we know, what we’re capable of and comfortable with… we enjoy it for 10 sec and then we droop, fizzle… already bored to death with the view. That is the time to turn it up. That is the time to aim for something bigger, greater… something way beyond what you’re been able to imagine so far. Don’t settle. Whistle for a dragon, and jump on. Dain
When I read that again today I asked myself, where am I bored with what is going on in my life? Am I playing too small there? Have I gotten bored with it and left it behind?
And I asked myself that question that Dain posed: “What do I need to add and change to make this big enough for me?”
What do my creations and projects require of me today? What actions do I need to take to ignite the passion I once had for them again?
Are you experiencing that same thing in your life or in your business?
What projects, ideas, creations would truly like to be created, completed or acted upon?
You see, sometimes just imaging the thing is all that you require, that satisfies your thirst for it and anything you do beyond that it more than what you need to probably creates that boredom.
Weird, huh?
So, ask your projects if now is their time or are they for the future or perhaps they don’t require to be actualized.
I know I have asked that and released the ones that don’t require actualization. It was quite a relief because it allowed me to stop beating myself up for not completing them. I wasn’t giving up on their or being a quitter, the project didn’t need to “be”.
Then those things that do desire to be brought to fruition, ask what they require to get you moving again!
So, ask a few questions, stop beating yourself up, reignite your passion, and see where you can go from there!
[…] wrote a blog on it (read it here) and came up with a few clearings based on it […]