What Are You Waiting For?

This week’s blog is “Stop Keeping Score” and it’s about waiting for people to do what you expect of them; things like apologize, reciprocate with gift-giving, and so forth.
Do you have unfulfilled expectations of others? Are there places in your life where you have put your life on hold, not moving forward until someone has fulfilled those expectations?
Are you enjoying being in the waiting room of your life?
How many places in your life have you stopped moving forward because you are waiting for others to fulfill your expectations of them? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
What unfulfilled expectations are you using as excuses for not creating your life? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Using “I” instead of “YOU”
How many places in my life have I stopped moving forward because I am waiting for others to fulfill my expectations of them? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
What unfulfilled expectations am I using as excuses for not creating my life? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Happy Clearing!
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