Are You The Servant?

Did you grow up being taught that you have to be of service to everyone? Are you really being “of service” or are you being “a servant”? The servant is often the one who is ignored and taken for granted.
Is that what you desire for your life?
Everywhere you bought into the idea that putting everyone else first is the BEST and ONLY thing that you can do will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Whose lies, what lies and how many lies do you have telling you that you have to be a servant to everyone else? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Using “I” instead of “YOU”
Everywhere I bought into the idea that putting everyone else first is the BEST and ONLY thing that I can do I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Whose lies, what lies and how many lies do I have telling me that I have to be a servant to everyone else? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.