Waiting To Be Rescued

In 2014 Gary Douglas and Dain Heer did a show on Voice America titled “Where is my prince?” that was all about looking outside yourself to make your life work. You can listen to it here https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/80717/where-is-my-prince.

Here are a few clearings about waiting for the “prince” to come rescue you.

What have you made so vital about living the Disney life that makes you seeking the prince, the princess, the Snow White or the seven ugly little dwarves of your life? Everything that is, times a godzillion, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.

All the expectations, separations, rejections, projections, judgments, decisions, conclusions and computations you have about how it is supposed to look, how it is supposed to feel and what it’s supposed to be and that any of it is actually yours will you destroy and uncreate it all and return it to sender with consciousness attached? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.

Using “I” instead of “YOU”

What have I made so vital about living the Disney life that makes me seeking the prince, the princess, the Snow White or the seven ugly little dwarves of my life? Everything that is I destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.

All the expectations, separations, rejections, projections, judgments, decisions, conclusions and computations I have about how it is supposed to look, how it is supposed to feel and what it’s supposed to be and that any of it is actually mine I destroy and uncreate it all and return it to sender with consciousness attached. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.

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