Time To Stop Hiding You

Are you good at hiding you?
I don’t mean playing hide-and-seek, I mean playing small, hiding what you can do, judging yourself as not enough; judging yourself as wrong, being mediocre.
What do all of those things create in your life?
Sure it gets you out of a LOT of things:
- You aren’t good enough, why should you play?
- You aren’t pretty enough, why put yourself out there?
- You aren’t smart enough, you can’t complete.
- Etc, Etc, Etc!!
Is any of that true?
Who told you that? Why did you buy into it?
You can take all that crap and throw it in the trash!!
Like I say in Possibility Principle #1: Courage To Create – You don’t have to live everyone else’s version of your life, you can create a life you’d love to live.
What if the world needs you to step up and play all out?
What if the world requires that you shine with the brilliance that you truly are?
It’s time to dump all that judgment, expectations and projections of others and start living YOUR version of YOUR LIFE!!
What are you waiting for?
For more guidance in creating the life you’d love to live, check out my eBook: Launchpad 2020: Blastoff Into Possibilities
Or, for the full guided journey through the Possibility Principles, get my book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities. It is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the year of Possibilities, it will assist you to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and then to create a roadmap for getting there.
The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon by clicking here