Refusing To Be Happy

Are you waiting for all the promises people have ever made to you to be kept, to be fulfilled?
What areas of your life do you put on hold while you wait for that?
What do you believe you can’t do until those promises are kept?
You DESERVE to have those promises kept! Right?! You’re going to refuse to move forward in your life because you’re going to wait until those promises are kept!
You simply refuse to be happy until people keep those promises that they made!
You’ll teach them!
How is that working out for you? Where is it taking you? Stuck! Angry, holding a grudge.
How much of that waiting weighs upon you? What does it create?
Heaviness, depression?
Feelings of not being worthy of the attention of the people who made those promises. Not deserving of their favor, of their love, of their …. anything.
Feelings of being unimportant, abandoned, ignored?
Anger, frustration, betrayal?
Those, my friend, are unfulfilled promises.
Unfulfilled promises keep you stuck so you can never move beyond the promise you have made or that you are waiting for others to keep.
You don’t allow yourself to be happy UNTIL they keep their promises.
Your Promises
You have promises that you haven’t kept as well. What about those?
Promises to Yourself
- If I have money it will be all easy
- If I have money, I will be happy
- If I live in the sun I’ll be happy
- If I have a relationship with ___ my life will be perfect
- I will not be happy until I get it right
- I will not be happy until ____ occurs
- Someday I’ll be happy
Those unfulfilled promises that you never keep to yourself keep you stuck too.
Promises To Others
Have you ever promised to ALWAYS or NEVER do something? Did you keep that promise? If you didn’t, are you blaming yourself for not keeping it? Or you do believe that you must continue keeping it no matter what?
Do all of those promises create guilt, fear of retaliation, defiance, regret, revenge?
Do they keep you putting off being happy? Or perhaps even believing that you don’t deserve happiness until all of the promises are fulfilled?
What About All Those Promises
So what’s the opposite of unfulfilled promise? It is choice. You can choose something different.
Rather than continuing to wait for the fulfillment of those promises, you could choose to be happy now. Then if those people ever keep their promises, you could be EVEN HAPPIER! Wouldn’t that make your life a whole lot more fun?
As Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness® says, “There are no unfulfilled promises; there are only choices that haven’t been made.”
You can choose to stop expecting all of the promises made to you to be fulfilled.
You can choose to stop delaying your happiness, stop delaying making changes in your life.
You can be happy NOW instead! You can make changes NOW.
What about all of the promises you have made to yourself and others? You can choose what changes are required in your live to keep or release them. Which ones would you like to keep? Which ones are best released? What choices can change those situations.
Keep Moving Forward
It’s time to take yourself off hold and move forward in your life.
Remember, choice creates.
You can stop waiting and start choosing something different right now.
It’s your choice.
If you’d like steps to take to reduce the stress in your life, check out my eBook “7 Easy Steps To Release Stress – Relax, Release and Rejuvenate”