Create The Adventure Of LIVING

Do you look to your past to create your future?
Whether you believe it or not, most people do it!
Why do you do it? You stick to what you know and have always done because it is familiar, it is safe, it doesn’t require risk.
However, what is DOES do is to create your future based on your past AND on your past limitations thus carrying those limitations forward!
Where are you buying into the idea that you have to build the future based upon what you had in the past? And nothing more?
So often you build these boxes based upon what you’ve always done, on what others tell you is or is not possible, what you should or should not do or can and cannot do.
That just keeps adding more and more bricks to the sides of the box until you can’t see out and can’t see all those infinite possibilities around you.
What if your life, its perspective and beliefs are both…good and bad…right and wrong at the same time? What if choosing more, choosing different, choosing the UNKNOWN, is OK?
Is it possible you have developed a point of view that an event, situation, conversation…etc. can only be one way or the other but not both?
Have you calculated how something is because “IT JUST IS THE WAY IT IS AND THAT’S ALL THERE IS”? Does that even feel light? Could there be a lie there? What if something else is possible? What if you asked a question?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- What changes have you been unwilling to make that if you made them would expand your life and living?
- What has kept you from choosing beyond your limitations?
- Are you willing to out-create yourself every day?
What if Henry Ford was on to something when he said…”When you decide YOU CAN or CAN’T! That is exactly what shows up”!!
Have you heard, “What you think about, you talk about and what you talk about you bring about?” And “Everything you say is a prayer and every prayer is answered”
What are you thinking and saying? Is that what is showing up in your life?
Now that you have a greater awareness…you can choose differently! How great is that and how much fun is life becoming?
How you look at things is a very powerful influence on what you receive.
What if there is something larger than life — and beyond the boring monotony often referred to as “life”?
What if that something is as simple as being totally
ALIVE, with every molecule in your body and being present and vibratingly…ON?
Where every day has its own unique magic, showing up in ways you can’t even
If your life was an adventure, what would you be willing to choose today that you have never been willing to choose before? If you were living your life for the adventure of it what else would be possible that has never been possible before?
Are you ready to choose the adventure of LIVING?
Really? Are you sure?
Go for it!!
Would you like assistance in creating the life you’d love to live?
My new book, Launchpad 2020: The Art And [Rocket] Science Of Breakthroughs And Possibilities is an adventure in Possibilities that will help you discover the art of possibilities as well as the science of it. As you journey through the year of Possibilities, it will assist you to get in touch with what you truly desire in your life and then to create a roadmap for getting there.
The Kindle and paperback versions are available on Amazon by clicking the button below