My Team Didn’t Win By 23 Points

“My team didn’t win by 23 points,” said our waiter at breakfast.

“Huh?” I thought. Then I realized that what he meant was that his team had lost. I had not thought of phrasing it that way before.  Prior to hearing him say “My team didn’t win by 23 points,” I would have said. “My team lost by 23 points.”

“Didn’t win” has an entirely different energy than “lost.”

How often do you use a more negative phrase?

I was reminded of several other phrasing changes I had received from Women’s Prosperity Network and on Facebook recently.

This is the set from Women’s Prosperity Network:

Instead OfSay
TryI’ll make every effort
I’m sorryI apologize, please forgive me
ButAnd … or continue the thought
I, me, myUs, ours, we
Never, alwaysOften, sometimes, occasionally
ProblemSituation, challenge, opportunity
No problemMy pleasure, you’re welcome
Should, ought, have toMust, suggest, consider

And this is a post I saw on Facebook:

Lately, I’ve been replacing “I’m sorry” with “thank you.”

Instead of “Sorry I’m late”, I’ll say “Thank you for waiting for me.”

Instead of “Sorry for being such a mess”, I’ll say “Thank you for loving me and caring about me unconditionally.”

It has not only shifted the way I think and feel about myself, but has also improved my relationships with others who now get to receive my gratitude instead of my negativity. — Unknown

Changing the way you can something is all about bringing your energy up.

What phrases could you change in your conversations to bring the energy up and convey a more positive and gratitude-filled point of view?

It’s all in your words and your energy! Choose what you’d like to share!

If you’d like steps to take to reduce the stress in your life, check out my eBook “7 Easy Steps To Release Stress Relax, Release and Rejuvenate

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