Revealed: You Are Not Broken

“Hey world, I am broken and I require fixing.”

Have you said that? Perhaps not in those words, but do you believe that you must fix this or that about yourself?

What if there isn’t really anything to fix?

What if you aren’t actually broken?

Yes, what if you and your life are not broken?

You see, as long as you continue to believe that something is broken and must be fixed, then it will be just that … broken. All of the fixing that you do won’t actually correct it; the thing will continue to show up in new and different or old and familiar ways.

When you believe that you are broken, that is the mindset that you have, that is the energy that you put out into the world. You continue to fulfill that picture of yourself, the broken person who needs lots of work and lots of repair.

Is that truly who you would like to be?

What if you allowed yourself to be not broken, not fixed, just you?

Realize that broken is simply a judgment. Being that was a choice that you made and now you can make a new choice, a different choice.

You are great the way you are AND it’s OK to desire to change it too! It doesn’t mean you are broken, it just means that you desire to be, do and have something different! And that is OK!

You don’t have to fix the existing choice; you can just leave it and move to the new choice. It’s kind of like checking out of one hotel room and moving into a different one. You simply leave the old room and go over to the new one.

People get stuck on believing that a choice is forever and that they must make it work and stick with it until it works and justify why they chose it and punish themselves for choosing it and so on and so forth.

The good news is that you don’t really have to do all of that, you can simply choose something different.

Sound good?

How do you do it? Ask questions.

What choices do I have here?

What changes can I actually make?

What other possibilities exist that I have never considered?

What questions have I not asked that if I would ask them would change all of this?

Who and what can I do and be different here? Yes different, not differently. What different way can you be; what different thing can you do?

What would I truly like my life to be?

Then listen for the replies from God / Source / Universe. Listen and watch for those possibilities to show up.

And be willing to make changes … to add things to your life, release things from your life, change the way you show up in the world.

Welcome to your new way of being!! Have gratitude for your past and what you created and learned, AND create the future you’d like to have!

Launch into the life you would love to live!!

Now is the time for you to journey to personal freedom. You can begin with my program “Launch Into Freedom”, a 21-day voyage into reclaiming your life and stepping into your potential. It is available in the store at

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