Thinking INside the Box

Do you think INside the box?
Did you just go “Huh?”
Yes INside the box. Inside the box of limitations that you have created as your life.
You create that box one limitation “brick” at a time every time that you reaffirm a limitation because that locks it into your reality, and causes you to narrow the number of possibilities that
Now, you may make the box pretty and paint the walls a nice color and decorate it so it distracts you from the fact that it is really a prison built of your limitations, but that doesn’t change what it is.
Where do you get those limitations?
They are all those judgments and cultural and social “norms” and acceptable behaviors and all sorts of things that
And you didn’t question, you simply created limitations for yourself.
Then you used those limitations to shrink your life down to just a small number of choices and made yourself believe that is all that is available, all that is possible for you. You made yourself believe that is all you can EVER do and be!
And you built the box of limitations and climbed inside to ensure that you didn’t go beyond what you believed was possible.
Guess what?
You don’t have to stay there! You can break down those walls of limitation and create something completely different!
Ask more questions. Ask things like:
- What choices do I have here that I have not considered?
- Does this actually work for me?
- What is possible here that I may be considering impossible?
- What can I change here?
- What am I overlooking that could change this situation?
- What do I know that I am pretending not to know or denying or ignoring that I
knowthat would change this?
Once you’ve asked the question, then LISTEN for the Universe to tell you other possibilities that exist beyond what you have always chosen in the past. Be open to the
Stomp down the sides of that box and see what else is available to you!
Allow yourself to be free!!
It all starts with your choice.
What will you choose?
Got Holiday Stress?
Time for a Little Clearing and Clarity and to let go of some of the crazy!
Join Dawn for a little fun, clearing and calming! FREE ZOOM Wednesday, December 19. Register here.