Defining Failure and Wrongness

What is failure? Does it exist? My blog this week (Failure Does Not Exist) proposes that failure does not exist, it is all just a matter of perspective, it’s your point of view, so you can change it!
You probably have a lot of definitions of what failure means and how wrong it makes you too! How are those actually working out for you? Are they creating your life or destroying it?
When you create the definition of failure and of yourself as a failure, that is the limitation by which you live.
Are you ready and willing to let all that go and allow yourself to stop being defined as a failure?
How many definitions of failure are you using to make yourself wrong and judge yourself as a complete failure? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
How many points of view do you have creating the definition of you as an absolute failure are you choosing? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.
Happy Clearing!!!
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