Release Yourself From JAIL

Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, said, “You’re going to have to choose to give up your problem if you want a greater world.”
Are you addicted to your problems?
Do you believe that if you gave up your problems, trauma, and drama that you’d have nothing left to talk about with your friends? That your life would be boring and just too different from everyone else?
Is that really true?
Have you considered just how much energy you waste talking about your problems, worrying about them, lamenting over them, crying about them, complaining about them, journaling about them, sharing them, fighting them, etc, etc Probably quite a lot!
How much more could you be, do and create if you took all of that energy and used that energy to create the life you’d like to have?
Yes, rechannel it! Repurpose it! Actually use it to make you happy rather than miserable!
Or do you prefer the misery?
Are you addicted to it and thus addicted to your problems which keep the misery in place?
Before you get too upset with me for asking that, just take a few moments and consider what your life would be like if you weren’t talking about, worrying about, complaining about your problems. How much different and expansive and enjoyable would it be?
How would that change your relationships?
What could it shift in your outlook on life?
One technique you use to keep yourself trapped in your problems is JAIL. JAIL stands for judgments, agendas, inventions, and lies. It all of those judgments of you and others, all of those agendas concerning how things SHOULD be and MUST be, all of the things we invent that aren’t real and all of the lies we buy into and tell ourselves.
Are you willing to release yourself from JAIL and be free?
Ask yourself the following questions about your problems:
- What judgments of myself and others am I using to create these problems?
- What agendas do I have about how things SHOULD be and MUST be that I am not fulfilling and following and that other people are not fulfilling and following that keeps me stuck in this problem?
- What have I invented that is creating this? That means where have you been doing things like filling in the blanks about situations where you don’t actually have the facts; where have you misinterpreted someone’s actions or statements; where are you inventing “what is happening” that isn’t based on what is actually true?
- What lies have I believed or told concerning this problem that actually are holding the problem in existence?
Once you ask those questions, be willing to release all of that.
Then ask what other possibilities you have now.
And lastly, listen for the whispers of possibility. The universe is waiting to send you, tell you and show you that amazing buffet of possibilities and choices that exist out there for you that you have not been choosing.
As your problems melt away, you can replace them with choices that will contribute to your life!
It’s time to release yourself from JAIL and create more FUN!
Choose for you!
Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here.
[…] Are you addicted to your problems? Gary Douglas said “You’re going to have to choose to give up your problem if you want a greater world.” My blog this week is about being addicted to your problems, trauma and drama. Read it here. […]