Waiting Room Of Your Life

Are you putting your life on hold while you wait for certain events to transpire?
Do you postpone your happiness, your moving forward, your success while you wait for x, y and/or z to occur?
Many people do.
Have you caught yourself saying things like:
I’ll finally be successful when I get that new job.
I’ll be happy when I finally get a new romance in my life.
Joy will be mine when I get that new car.
I just can’t make a move until I know it’s right.
And so on and so forth.
So how is the weather in the waiting room of your life?
Mapping Your Future
Were you always taught that you had to prepare for the future?
Were you told that you had to have expectations and plans and formulas and goals and a road map to create your future or you wouldn’t have one?
That you have to plan and plot every step before you start?
I know that when I in college they wanted me to create a 5-year plan, 10-year plan and 15-year plan for my career.
When I said that making those made no sense to me, because I could not predict the future, I was told how wrong that was and that I didn’t have the drive or ambitions that I should. I was told that I limiting my success by not having a plan.
So I tried to create those plans, and I then I would try to FIGURE OUT how to make them work! But it just didn’t work for me. There were too many unknowns and I felt that a roadmap would not allow me flexibility.
And what if X and Y occurred, but Z did not? Did I have to wait for Z or could I change my plan?!?
You see where I’m going here, right? How often are you still left waiting for step Z of your roadmap to occur before you allow yourself to move forward?
Perhaps it’s time for you to review your roadmap and see if it is still where you’d like to be going?
Roads change. Rivers move. New routes get created. New cities get built.
If you continue with the same roadmap, you may never get to your destination.
You may always be in that waiting room because the road has been rerouted or the detour didn’t get you where you needed to be.
What to do?
Ask Questions
Ask questions.
First and foremost, ask yourself if your planned destination is actually where you would really like to go.
Ask the universe / God / Source if this route will take you where you’d like to go.
What other choices do you have that you haven’t considered?
Is it time to stop waiting for the map / plan to work?
Is it time for a new map / plan?
I’m reminded of a quote from Douglas Adams, author of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
Because even if you don’t end up where you thought you were going to go, you may well end up where you need to be to create what you are here to create!
So, get out of that waiting room and create the life you’d love to live!
Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here.
[…] My blog this week is about how you often put your life and your happiness on hold while you wait on certain events to occur in your life. Read it here. […]