What If You Weren’t Wrong

“I screwed up again!! Why am I always doing it wrong?”
Does that sound like you?
Do you believe that you are always wrong, always screwing up?
And if you don’t start out wrong, do you believe that you will mess up and fail eventually?
If you weren’t wrong, what would you be?
Yes. If you weren’t wrong, weren’t making yourself wrong, weren’t expecting to fail, what would you be?
What did you say?
You might be right?
You might be free?
You might be greater?
You might be able to create more?
You’re Enough
Where did that expectation of wrongness come from?
As a child, you came into the world not knowing that there was a rightness and a wrongness to the world. You were taught that about others and about yourself.
People told you that you were not good at things and were good at others. They said to do those things, don’t do those.
Most often they focused on what was wrong, what not to do and the things you did poorly. They did not focus on what was right, what to do and the things you did well. Our culture centers on the negative rather than the positive.
It creates you believing you are not enough; not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, talented enough, etc, etc, etc.
What if you could allow yourself to let go of all of that and be enough?
How much would that change in your life?
Save Your Life
How do you do that? Shift your focus and change your definitions.
Rather than looking at things as being wrong, look at them as requiring a different choice.
Not a common practice, I know, however, it is a powerful one.
You can look at something that isn’t working and ask “What other choices could I make that would allow this to work out better for me?” Then listen and watch for those other possibilities and choices to show up and be willing to choose something different.
Often you get stuck in believing that you must stick with something and force it to work. You can let it go and choose something different. It does not make you wrong or a quitter to release something that is not working out.
Seriously, if you are hanging onto a 50-pound weight that is holding you underwater, does letting it go make you a quitter? No, it saves your life!
The same is true of things that are sucking your time, money and energy. Letting them go and choosing something different just might save your life there too.
Choose For You
You can choose for you. You can choose what makes your life easier, more fun, more abundant and happier.
You can release what is not working and make a different choice.
You can let go of being wrong.
It is possible when you allow yourself to do it.
When you allow yourself to choose it – when you allow yourself to choose for YOU.
Looking for more questions that can change the way you look at life? Get my ebook “Questions to Change Your Life” by clicking here.
[…] My blog this week is about how you often make yourself wrong. Read it here […]