Steps To Creating Magic

When you walk outside, do all the birds come to sit on your shoulders and sing and help you with your tasks?
Probably not. But that would be an amazing reality, right?
I recently watched the movie, Enchanted, where Princess Giselle from a far-off magical kingdom is banished to our world / dimension.
And even though she is here in this reality and is quite shocked by the harshness of it all, magical elements of her world still follow her. The birds and animals actually do show up to help her and people just start spontaneously singing and dancing with her!
It’s actually quite fun.
What’s Your Reality
Even though people in the movie keep trying to tell Giselle that her magical reality isn’t possible and people don’t really just start singing for no reason and so on and so forth to try to bring her to her senses, she maintains her vision of magic.
People tell her that there is no magic and that she can’t have a “happily ever after” and birds and animals won’t come to her aid … and yet she knows that those things do happen. She doesn’t understand why others don’t see it too.
How often have you had people tell you what your life should or shouldn’t be?
Do they tell you what is and isn’t possible for you?
Are they really helping you or are they trying to bring you into their reality so you are more like them and so you don’t exceed and surpass them?
Are You Delusional
You may say, “But they don’t want me to be delusional or to get hurt!”
And that’s where asking questions comes in.
You have to ask questions like
“What is possible here?”
“What would it take to bring this to fruition?”
“Is now the time for this?”
And go with the energy of those. Perhaps it isn’t time. Perhaps it isn’t possible.
The only way to truly know is to ask questions, without a conclusion one way or the other, and see what comes up.
The Magic Of It All
Just because someone tells you that you can’t create something, doesn’t make it true for you.
What if you could allow magic and wonder and possibilities to be part of your world? What could you create? What would change for you? How much more could you be and do?
You don’t have to live in the little box that people tell you must be your life.
You can rip down the sides of that box and break out into a much more expansive world.
You can be and do and create so much more!
Simply by not automatically buying into other people’s limitations for you and by asking questions!
So grab your magic wand and get out there and create!
[…] My blog this week is about creating magic in your world and also about not buying into other people’s beliefs about what YOU can and cannot do. Read it here […]