Reiki Online Attunement

Saturday, August 24

10 AM

Receive an attunement update via Zoom



Prerequisite: you must have taken at least a Reiki 1 class

Event will be online LIVE

NOTE: there will be no recording. This is being done LIVE only.


It was very relaxing. I didn’t want the session to end.

I immediately booked a second session 

Diana, FL


Excellent Reiki class today. Thank you, Dawn.

Can’t wait for level 2 next week. I feel like a new person

Dorothy, FL


Dawn’s work rocks. She way over-delivers. She gives lots of great videos and lots of support. And her book! What makes Dawn unique is that she was a former Rocket Scientist who worked for NASA, so she actually has that left and right brain and now she has turned healer. And she has tools, not just teachings. She has a gratitude journal and gratitude cards. And she has a gift with not just with using gratitude, but a gift of using questions to really shift things in an instant. I’ve only met a few people who have the gift that Dawn does. She’s very keen in teaching others how to do the same but she can do it in an instant. I’ve literally seen her shift things really quickly

Shannon Procise
Author of Media Magic 

Dawn C. Meyer, MA67581,  Florida approved CE provider # 50-17524

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